
This is a quite simple library but it tries to be as flexible as possible, so there are multiple ways to use it.

Simple example

The simplest way to use it is with SphinxInventoryParser::parseFromDoc() that creates a SphinxInventory object directly from an online documentation, based on its URL (and an optional inventory path).

use Club1\SphinxInventoryParser\SphinxInventoryParser;

$inventory = SphinxInventoryParser::parseFromDoc('');

Using an existing stream

Another way is to create a new SphinxInventoryParser object with a readable resource, typically obtained with fopen() with r mode, then call its parse() method that will return a SphinxInventory object.

use Club1\SphinxInventoryParser\SphinxInventoryParser;

$stream = fopen('file:///tmp/objects.inv', 'r');
$parser = new SphinxInventoryParser($stream);
$inventory = $parser->parse('');

Parse objects one by one

When dealing with a large amount of data, it could be interesting to parse the objects one by one, instead of storing them all in memory. This can be achieved by calling parseHeader() and parseObjects() directly:

use Club1\SphinxInventoryParser\SphinxInventoryParser;

$stream = fopen('', 'r');
$parser = new SphinxInventoryParser($stream);
$header = $parser->parseHeader();
$objects = $parser->parseObjects($header, '');
foreach($objects as $object) {
     // do something with $object
// close only after iterating


SphinxInventoryParser::parseObjects() is a generator, so its execution is postponed until iteration over its result begins, you must thus not close the stream before the actual iteration.